War Mother

Hewlett East-Rockaway Jewish Center

295, Main Street, East-Rockaway

New York 11518

May 5, 2016, 19:30


War Mother


Adolphe Nysenholc


A Play in 6 Scenes


Translated from Mère de guerre by William Snow



Two dead mothers fight over their son : the mother who perished in the Holocaust and the foster mother who saved the young child during the war.

Which on should he go with when his time comes ?



Son - Michel Bogart,  Mother - Hazzan Streigold, 

Foster Mother - Lisa Cohen,  Foster Father - Lev Herrnson.



J’ai eu l’honneur et le plaisir d’assister à la lecture scénique organisée pour le Yom HaShoah et de répondre aux nombreuses questions de l’audience.


Jeudi, mai 5, 2016 - 19:30
295, Main Street, East-Rockaway
New York, NY 11518

©2007, Adolphe Nysenholc & L''Échange asbl - ©2014-design et développement: Pierre Orfinger